About Us

A Career is not the same as a Job, rather it’s a carefully crafted series of interconnected roles, each opening the door for further growth and fulfilment. – Ehsan Ali

About the founder Ehsan Ali

Ehsan’s primary inspiration came from his father who, alongside his job, taught kids in an underprivileged community and helped transform their lives. Today, his students are spread all over the world (Ehsan being one of them). Ehsan was just 9 years old when he got his first taste of teaching.

Post his graduation from REC (one of the premium engineering colleges in India), he taught electrical engineering before entering into the IT industry where he delivered large programs, led strategic accounts and generated over $100m for his employers. Most importantly he continued with his passion for teaching, coaching and mentoring and helped 100s of IT professionals get unstuck and succeed in their careers.

After 20 years of a decent career in IT, when Ehsan looked back, he realized he had a few very successful and proud episodes while most of the time it was business as usual or he was feeling stuck. Sometimes he longed for a better role, other times more money and at times just more meaningful and fulfilling work.

But he didn’t know how he could make his next move. Perhaps he didn’t even have the confidence. Also, he wasn’t impressed with the careers of people around him and he didn’t know where to find people who could guide him, so he felt restless most of the time.

During covid19, he left his full-time job to try something of his own.

The first thing he did was launch a podcast.

His intention was to cover stories of people who had either built impressive careers or had successfully transitioned into entrepreneurship. You see, these were his own two fundamental needs

During this time, he met highly successful and inspiring professionals who were making 2-5 times more than most, were working on high-profile projects and were thoroughly enjoying their careers. You can listen to some of their stories on the Empowering Indian Expats podcast.

When he dug deeper, he found none of them were extraordinary talented or anything like that but there were definitely common traits and strategies that they all followed.

So, with the new knowledge of how to create serious earnings and unparallel growth within IT career, he started to share the knowledge with people whom he was already mentoring. He started to get serious results. That’s when he decided to set up a professional coaching practice and start helping many more mid-career IT professionals get unstuck and create their own career breakthroughs.

Today, Ehsan combines his passion, skills, experience and a network of world-class professionals and entrepreneurs to provide guidance and resources to mid-career IT professionals wanting to further develop their careers.